Commencement of the Transition process in the Serbian economy
Arrival of the first foreign investors to the real estate
The first international real estate consultancy firm starts operation in Serbia
ISON Asset Solutions d.o.o. gathers prominent real estate professionals with an extensive experience, since 2001, providing a complete range of consulting, development, engineering and management real estate services.
For the selected number of clients ISON provides its best focus and combination of expertise with tailor made approach for the each case.
Commencement of the Transition process in the Serbian economy
Arrival of the first foreign investors to the real estate
The first international real estate consultancy firm starts operation in Serbia
New banks' branches related to foreign banks open in Belgrade
Foreign petrol chains trigger search for the land plots all over Serbia
Foreign retail chains start search for locations in Belgrade highstreets
New commercial real estate developments start growing forming the new CBD in New Belgrade
Start of the valuation assignments according to the international standards and practices
The first modern office buildings open with blue chip international tenants as clients
The first contemporary shopping mall opens in New Belgrade by the strong local developer
Opening of the first office business park in New Belgrade
Triggering the examination of the secondary cities in Serbia for development of shopping malls by the foreign investors
Energy giant got shares in Serbian national oil company
First move of the diplomacy office from the city centre to modern office building in New Belgrade
prominent investment bank forms jv with important local developer
village for the student's sport games being offered on the residential market
Opening of the largest shopping mall in New Belgrade
The most exclusive residential complex overlooking the river in New Belgrade hits highest market prices in residential
Non-core assets portfolio of the national oil company offered for auction sale
Shopping mall in Serbia country side opens in Kragujevac
Groundbreaking for the new office building in New Belgrade as the start of the second real estate investment cycle
New real estate consultancy firm ISON Asset Solutions founded in Belgrade
Start of the high class and high priority real estate investment on the Belgrade river banks
Network operating centre with 24/ 365 operation of the national airline operating in the renovated premises after decades
Centre of Belgrade gets the first modern shopping centre after the long dvelopment process resolving archeological and restitution challenges
Office relocation of the leader in global digital payment
Opening of the famous German supermarket chain all over Serbia
Relocation of the production facilities for the Swiss based industrial tenant
opening of the largest shopping mall by the leading foreign real estate investor near the lake entertainment area